Monday, September 12, 2011

Intro and Conclusion

Introduction Paragraph:

“A martini for you this evening Mr. Bond?”
“Not today, toast please, lightly crisped, not burnt.” You don’t usually hear people saying they hate toast or think toast is gross. You don’t hear such words just because toast is something we all grew up with and we all love it. Toast is good; it’s as simple as that. There are reasons as to why toast is such a prestigious commodity; it’s quick and always around, there’s no end to the choice of toppings, and there’s the decision on how you want your toast done. By exploring the general aspects of toast there is the ability to prove why toast is good. How easy is it to make toast?

Conclusion paragraph:

Here we stand at the finale of our toast. A toast to toast some might say. Toast is good and wholesome. Toast has satisfied hungering humans since the dawn of time. Toast has nourished us when we wanted something quick to eat. We've also had the grace to embellish toast with a variety of toppings. We are even able to toast toast to our own preferred point of perfection.

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