Thursday, September 22, 2011

Graffiti Cool From The Start Body Paragraph

Urban graffiti all started back in New York in the late 1960s with a man who called himself Taki 183. This was his tagging name that he would quickly write around the city, in a way making himself known. Taki 183 had first begun using a marker of the sorts to put up his tag wherever he was, he even started the trend of putting up your own tag on and in subway trains. Through doing this Taki 183 became extremely well known throughout the city, although nobody knew he was. The youths of New York at the time had realized how infamous and notorious they could become by putting their own tags on subway trains and all over the city. The idea caught on like wildfire. Their goal was to go become as well known as possible and be in as many places as possible. In this image there’s still a remnant of Taki 183’s tags from the 60s. Something so tiny and simple yet so significant spread one of the coolest forms of art known today.

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