Monday, September 5, 2011

In Flanders Fields Analysis

This poem follows a beat of 8 along each line until in the second stanza where at the end it has a beat of 4 with the line 'In Flanders Fields'. The poet keeps to this beat 8 for the rest of the poem until the last three verses, which follow a beat of 4. In verse 4 there is mention of larks 'still bravely singing', this line could be personification because singing is a human quality. 'Between the crosses, row on row,' could be a reference to makeshift graves used during the battle for dead soldiers. The first stanza describes the scene, a battle. The second stanza is a memory of previous days to the poet. He describes how he and his comrades are dead and how just a few days ago they were alive and well. The third stanza is the poets way of saying to the next generation 'Do what we could not'.

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