Sunday, September 4, 2011


The story of Shankara and his attempts of bombing his chemistry professor’s classroom were interesting. His whole life he had been under this illusion that everybody looked down on him for being a Hoyka and a mix of Brahmin and Hoyka. He was constantly filled with this anger and he wanted to be seen as something, a moment of fame or a moment of reverence. He hated his father and his mother for being in a lower caste and having such a different caste. Right after the bomb went off, everyone was talking about the criminal. Shankara thought of himself as ‘the god of the morning’. It seemed like he was trying to prove that the lower caste was a force that should not be tolerated with lightly. I find it strange that India has this whole caste system. This story made it seem like everything’s influenced by this caste system, which it probably is. I thought Lasrado was an elaborate character to have as the ‘villain’. He’s a man seen as extremely strict and mean to students because of their constant laughing at his speech impediment. He can’t pronounce words that have the letter ‘f’ in them and instead pronounces them with the letter ‘p’.

The story carries on following a different character this time, Mr. D’Mello, and how he cares greatly for his favorite student, although he sees all other students as fools and teenagers lacking capability. He’s an extremely strict and angry man; he tends to discipline his students through violence and such. It’s slightly off how a teacher like him has a favorite student but their bond is strange. His favorite student is a boy named Girish who is intelligent but wants to do what other kids do like cricket and he doesn’t want to do the quizzes that D’Mello forces on him anymore. I think D’Mello sees an opportunity in Girish that he himself didn’t achieve as a child, the chance the go forward in life.

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