Monday, October 10, 2011

Paper Reflection

The big idea of my paper was to express how graffiti is cool. I constantly tried to refer to statement that graffiti is cool and how the aspects of it that I introduced in the paper were also really cool. By doing so I was sticking to the main and central message of my paper. I had the basic layout of a proper essay; my introduction, body paragraphs, and then lastly my conclusion. I had hooks for my introduction and my conclusion but only one or two of my body paragraphs had hooks. My body paragraphs also didn't follow much of the needed format of what body paragraphs need: hook, introduction, thesis statement, etc. Overall, I believe my essay on how and why graffiti is cool was a success. I personally liked the various topics I chose to discuss and the different forms of media I used. I believe my grammar and spelling were almost top-notch too.

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